
Project Leader
Naveen Ashish, Research Scientist - Calit2@UCI
Sharad Mehrotra, Director - RESCUE Project, Professor - UCI
Ramesh Jain, Donald Bren Professor - UCI
Nalini Venkatasubramanian, Professor - UCI
Mohan Trivedi, Professor - UCSD
Bhaskar Rao, Professor - UCSD
Carter Butts, Assistant Professor - UCI
Post-Doctoral Researchers
Dmitri Kalashnikov, UCI
Utz Westermann, UCI
Rajesh Hegde, UCSD
Sangho Park, UCSD
Industry Collaborators
Ron Eguchi, ImageCat
Graduate Student Researchers
Stella Chen - UCI
Chaitanya Desai - UCI
Vibhav Gogate - UCI
Ram Hariharan - UCI
Jon Hutchins - UCI
Shengyue Li - UCI
Pouria Pirzadeh, UCI
Rabia Nuray-Turan, UCI
Zheng Zhang, UCI
Jay Lickfett, Software Engineer - UCI
Chris Davison, Technology Manager -UCI
Dawit Seid - (UCI), now at Teradata
Yiming Ma - (UCI), now at Nokia Research Center (NRC)
Latest News
>> Dawit Seid succesfully defended his PhD dissertation on August 13, 2007. Congratulations.
>> Upcoming book chapter on SAMI in " Terrorism Informatics: Knowledge Management and Data Mining for Homeland Security" (Springer, Expected Sep 2007)
>> Talk on SAMI project at Bell-Labs India, Banglore India, April 23rd 2007. slides
>> A prototype version of the Ontario Disaster Portal is available here